BEMCO is concentrating on Project & Construction Management, Engineering, Procurement, and Specialized Construction activities. To this end, BEMCO has formed strategic affiliated companies working as Profit Centers providing highly competitive and quality services. BEMCO International: Specialized in Projects Management Services with location in Lebanon, USA, and Egypt. It supports BEMCO regional projects with proposals, engineering, procurement, and project management. BEMCO Steel Industries (BSI): Combines capabilities in engineering, procurement and construction to deliver comprehensive solutions to customers in the power, oil & Gas, and industrial sectors. Read More.. BEMCO Services: Our belief in being fully integrated Industrial and Power Contractor with full in-house capability motivated us to create our own Maintenance, Operation, Commissioning and Start-up service group. Read More.. Truba Arabia: Specialized in Mechanical Erection works for Oil and Gas and Power Plant Projects and other industries. Read More.. GEDAC: Has been at the forefront in the Middle East since 1978 manufacturing and INMA utilities Contracting Co: INMA Utilities Contracting Co. was formed as a partnership between Arabian Bemco and Advance Vision, which has taken on large Electro-Mechanical projects to satisfy the growth on the kingdom. These strategic turnkey projects include the Jeddah Airport, the Kingdom Tower in Jeddah and Apina Arabia: Specialized in design, construction, and commissioning of Thermal Energy Storage for Turbine Inlet Air Cooling (TESTIAC). The technology can be implemented using both compression and absorption systems by which the system boosts up the power generation output during peak hours. Impregilo Arabia: Specialized in construction of dams and hydroelectric schemes to roads and motorways, railways and subways, ports and marine works, hydraulic structures and irrigation projects, airports, underground works, civil engineering works for thermal and nuclear power stations, residential and industrial buildings, United Infrastructure Developers Company (UIDC) : A development company participating and investing in large infrastructure projects primarily in the Power and Desalination sector in the Middle East and other surrounding countries. Bemco Heavy Industries: Saudi Arabia, GCC, African and Central Asia countries are expanding as developing countries, their population is increasing at an unprecedented growth, which requires massive expansion of its infrastructure. Following this trend, Bemco decided to expand its engineering and fabrication facilities to manufacture high tech and large equipment to serve the Oil & Gas, Power, Water, Environmental and Petrochemical sectors in KSA and the region. |